Becoming Financially Fearless

The idea of managing and taking charge of one’s money and finances can seem intimidating for many. Yet learning to take control of your finances rather than having financial problems control you reflects a healthy, positive relationship with money.

According to entrepreneur David Daneshgar, the key to being fearless about business and money is to not be afraid of failure. As a formal poker player, Daneshgar pointed out that staying emotionally stable even when one is exposed to risk is important, as is learning to trust yourself and letting go of the need to be comfortable.

Entrepreneur and founder of G Adventures Bruce Poon Tip seemed to agree with this view. He suggested that cultivating a high tolerance for risk can benefit entrepreneurs, as it enables them to find and take advantage of high-risk/high-reward opportunities.

Angela Lee, founder of angel-investing network 37 angels, had a more conservative view on the top of financial fearlessness. She said that being fearless and successful is about making informed decisions. She also said that doing due diligence and spending only when necessary can help remove any fear. Lee recommended testing your assumptions before you make the leap with research or test run, reported Yahoo!7 Finance.

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