Make Budgeting Less Of a Chore

A new app can help to make budgeting less of a struggle for smartphone and tablet users, according to Gizmodo.

Cutting through the vast number of money management apps on the market, Gizmodo says that Expense Manager is a well-designed, visually-pleasing app created to help those aiming to balance their finances on a day-to-day basis.

Gizmodo says the friendly, customisable software helps to turn what can be a stressful task into less of a hassle.

The app offers an overview of monthly spending, including where money has been spent and how much is left. A history section enables tracking of spending patterns over a period of time, whilst daily reminders are helpful to keep on top of future data entry.

Gizmodo says that, although the manual entry is not ideal, the free app can be tailored to the user and that the simple user interface makes budgeting an enjoyable experience.


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