Is It Time to Talk About Retirement with Your Partner?

Only 38% of people talk about life after retirement with their spouse, according to a Hearts & Wallets study. This may explain why two-thirds of couples disagree about when they’ll retire and one third are out of sync on where they’ll live.

Many people avoid having this conversation because they know that there will be a conflict when the time to make these decisions arises. However, it is important to air expectations earlier on to ensure that you can come to an agreement that you can both be happy with.

Money Magazine recommended that both parties prioritise their list of wants from retirement before the discussion. Doing so will ensure that both are made aware of each others expectations about retirement.

Both parties also need to enter discussions without an ‘all-me’ attitude because this will simply lead to a fight. To achieve happiness together you will both need to compromise.

Once you have a realistic plan for retirement then it will be easier to work towards this together.

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