Primary Age Kids Learn to Budget With Educational Program

Primary school children are learning to budget effectively with a new educational program. The program, called ‘Money Doesn’t Grow On Trees’, teaches kids about the responsibilities of paying bills, setting money aside for taxes, and much more.

Paula Buttenshaw, who teaches Grade 6 students at Lapstone Public School in the Blue Mountains, runs the program. She explained that today children rarely get to see their parents dealing with money because they do everything electronically. The program uses electronic play money, but the skills learned are transferable to real-life situations.

The program is designed to simulate real life and includes situations where unexpected expenses will arise. It seeks to help kids understand the need to save some money each time they get ‘paid’.

Buttenshaw has recently been awarded the 2013 Commonwealth Bank Foundation Teaching Award in recognition of her efforts in introducing the program.

Many of the children participating in the scheme will have jobs within the following two years and this education can be very valuable.

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