Saving Money In and Around The Home

There are so many ways to save money that require very little effort. Hopefully, some of these tips from will have your finances looking healthier in no time:

  • Buy a Sunday paper – The initial outlay will be offset (and more) by the amount you can save using the many coupons that the Sunday paper generally contains.
  • Grow your own herbs – This will save you buying from the supermarket every time you need some (and your food will taste nicer too).
  • Use online banking to pay bills and keep track of your money; it’s easy and you can set up email reminders and automatic payments to help you avoid late fees, too.
  • If you want to entertain without spending too much on food, invite people for brunch rather than dinner – you’ll save on groceries and alcohol.
  • Go online when you want to make a purchase and see if there are any coupons or discount codes for the product or store you’re interested in.
  • Washing clothes in cold water doesn’t alter the effectiveness of the cleaning process or detergent, so switch to cold water washing where possible to save energy.

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