Saving and Sorting Your Student Loan

Paying off a student debt and holding onto savings when switching jobs are important financial decisions to make, especially for members of Generation Y or Millennials who have been in the workforce for a few years.

Don’t put it off any longer; get onto your student debt. There are online services to help with making a repayment plan, so you can work out what you can afford to pay back each month. The Guardian’s Heidi Moore says that it is okay to have debt, just do what you can to pay it off, increasing payments when possible and seizing opportunities to lower interest rates.

It’s common to switch employers more frequently at the beginning of a career. Saving when you’re moving jobs can therefore be more problematic. The Wall Street Journal’s Rachel Rosenthal recommends finding out about all the benefits a potential new employer offers in order to secure a good future rather than merely a good salary. And think longer-term when leaving a position; don’t rush to cash in accumulated benefits that could be more useful further down the line.


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