Saving Time and Money When Cooking

The time spent in the supermarket looking for food, plus preparing a meal can really add up. As can your shopping bill, especially if you are opting for the convenience of take away regularly.

Life Hacker shared some tips on how to save time and money when it comes to cooking.

Saving money

The best way to save money on groceries is by planning before you shop. This way you’ll buy only what you need for your weekly meals and focus on getting the best deals. Look out for 3 for 2’s but always be aware that you may be buying more than you need.

Saving time

Learn to cook dishes that require the minimum input. Pressure cooker meals are a great option because they enable you to put it on and forget about it. Slow cook meals are also great options because they can also be left unattended.

Eating everything

Waste is the biggest expense in most households and this is something that can easily be avoided if you plan well and make an effort to use everything. Leftovers can make great packed lunches or they can be turned into entirely different meals the next evening.

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