Spotting Home Money Waste

We’re all fed up of pouring money into bills and burning through our funds before we even leave the house. However, there are ways to prevent this from happening. It could be that some of that money is pouring away in the form of wasted water or being burnt up as wasted gas. Here are some tips from Fox Business on spotting home wastage:


30% of water is used outdoors to water the garden and keep lawns looking good. Instead of wasting this money you can instead use water butts that collect rainwater from your gutters and save an amazing 30% of your water bill.

Other waste comes from places like the toilet. Adding some dye to the tank will allow you to see if the water is leaking into the bowl and effectively pouring your money away 24/7.


Turning off the lights in your home will help you to save a great deal of money and is a habit that you should get into. Using lamps is cheaper than using numerous overhead lights and changing your bulbs to LED bulbs will make them more efficient too.

40% of the energy used by home appliances is actually used when they are on standby, so turning things off at the wall will have a big impact.

Heating and cooling

Heating and cooling are remarkably expensive processes. You should aim to use natural heat changes as much as possible by opening windows and closing doors. Insulating door frames, the roof and your plug sockets will also have a huge impact on efficiency.


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